Corporación de Estudios Sociales y Educación
Santiago de Chile, sábado 27 de julio de 2024

Women in the City; On Violence and Rights

Ejemplares Digital, Papel
Autor Falú, Ana (editor)
Título Women in the City; On Violence and Rights
Tipo de documento Libro
Área de publicación Santiago de Chile : Latin American Women and Habitat Network, Ediciones SUR, 2009; 1st edition
Descripción PDF File, compressed, 1.0 MB; Pages 179
Colección Coediciones
Materias Social Sciences – Latin-America  -  Gender
       30,227 Consultas / 595 descargas  *
Presentation, Ana Falú / Violence and Discrimination in Cities, Ana Falú / Current Debates on Safety: a Women’s Human Rights Approach, Giulia Tamayo / Gender-based Violence: Clues for Analysis, Virginia Vargas / The Responsibility of Local Government in the Prevention of Violence against Women in Cities, Susana Chiarotti / Safety, Gender, Mainstreaming and Gender–based Programmes, Caroline Moser / Violence and the Fragmented City, Rod Burgess / Without Violence against Women, Would Cities Be Safe for All?, Lia Zanotta Machado / Regaining Trust, Recovering the City, Marta Román Rivas / Coexisting in Diversity: Public Space from a Gender Perspective, Olga Segovia / A Contribution to the Debate on the City, Public Space, and Safety from a Feminist Perspective, Liliana Rainero. This book is published by the Latin American Women and Habitat Network and Ediciones SUR, with the support from the Regional Program ‘Cities Without Violence against Women, Safer Cities for Everyone’, coordinated from the office of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) for Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay; and with financial support provided by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID).
Como citar:
Falú, Ana (editor) Women in the City; On Violence and Rights Santiago de Chile : Latin American Women and Habitat Network, Ediciones SUR, 2009; 1st edition  Obtenido desde: [Consultado en: 27-07-2024]


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* Las consultas están siendo medidas desde Octubre de 2005 y las descargas desde Junio de 2007.



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